
‘WOMEN OF SCIENCE ’ by Safia Kessas screened at UNESCO

‘WOMEN OF SCIENCE ’ by Safia Kessas screened at UNESCO

We are proud to announce that our documentary WOMEN OF SCIENCE will be screened to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, established by the United Nations General Assembly. Join us on February 11, 2025, at the UNESCO...

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“THE WHALE” : the shooting has started !

“THE WHALE” : the shooting has started !

🎬 The shooting of THE WHALE ( LA BALEINE) by Sylvère Petit has started in France, near Montpellier. Synopsis: Autumn 1985. A storm awakens the Mediterranean. A village is devastated, its crops ransacked. On the beach, the waves have deposited a whale. Dead, the whale...

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