At The Edge of The World by Amelia Nanni is selected at MIA / FILM CO-PRODUCTION MARKET & PITCHING FORUM

Good news for At The Edge of The World ! Amelia Nanni’s film has been selected for the Mia Festival Market & Pitching Forum co-production!
A quick reminder of the synopsis :
Axelle, 9 years old, unloved, is sent to spend the summer with her grandparents whom she has not seen in years. In this tiny village in Tuscany, there are only twenty or so inhabitants over 70 years old and a strange little band of children led by Ambra, who leads Axelle in her obsession to see death in the face.
During this initiatory summer, in contact with old age, eros and thanatos, Axelle will search for a place, a body in which to incarnate herself, and Ambra will try to mourn her childhood.
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