Screening in Liège

Screening in Liège

Tea or Electricity by Jerôme le Maire will be screened on September 13th, 20h at Cinema Churchill in Liège. The screening will be followed by a meeting with the director/
Iota in Lussas…

Iota in Lussas…

Tea or Electricity by Jérôme le Maire will be presented on Africa competition – August 21st, 21h on room 3 Red Hair and Black Coffee by Milena Bochet will be presented on the SCAM program – August 23rd, 14h45 on room 3 If you are lucky to be in Lussas,...
Around the world trip for Tea or Electricity

Around the world trip for Tea or Electricity

“Tea or Electricity” has been selected by many festivals: -Taïwan International Documentary Film Festival -Festival du Voyage à Albertville -Festival International du Film Amazigh d ‘Agadir -XVI Sardinia International Ethnographic Film Festival...
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