Le mois du doc started !

Here is something to brighten this greyish November!

Don’t miss some of our productions at Le Mois du Doc:
Letter to Théo by Elodie Lélu
Tuesday November 26 – 18:00 – Point Culture ULB Solbosch (Ixelles)

Backstage Action by Sanaz Azari
Wednesday November 20 – 19:00 – EDN.bar (Anderlecht)

My Name is Clitoris by Lisa Billuart Monet and Daphné Leblond
Wednesday November 13 – 18:00 – Quai 10 (Charleroi)
Thursday November 21 – 20:00 – Cinéma Sauvenière (Liège)
Sunday November 24 – 17:00 – Archipel 19 (Berchem-Saint-Agathe)
Thursday November 28 – 19:30 – Cinéma Aventure (Brussels)

DVD order

Please complete this application form to purchase your DVD.
Once your order received, we will contact you as soon as possible to treat it.


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