Les révoltés by Simon Leclère on theatre this 15th of July in France

Social Thriller, “Mutiny” Simon Leclere produced by Perspective Films and co-produced by Iota Production comes out in theaters this July 15 in France.
More information: Jour2fête (http://www.jour2fete.com/index.php/films/234-lesrevoltes) and First (http://www.premiere.fr/film/Les-Revoltes-3810492)
it also released this summer indoors in Belgium.

The film’s Facebook page: Social Thriller, “Mutiny” Simon Leclere produced by Perspective Films and co-produced by Iota Production comes out in theaters this July 15 in France. More information: Jour2fête (http://www.jour2fete.com/index.php/films/234-lesrevoltes) and First (http://www.premiere.fr/film/Les-Revoltes-3810492) it comes out Also this summer indoors in Belgium. The Facebook page of the film: https://www.facebook.com/LesRevolteslefilm

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