
“Into Dad’s Woods” inspires JEFPSY

“Into Dad’s Woods” inspires JEFPSY

“Into Dad’s Woods” by Vero Cratzborn inspired the birth of the first international information platform dedicated to 11-20 year olds who are children, brothers or sisters of someone with a mental disorder! The JEFPSY platform can be found here.

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Phase II for our series project #Innocents !

Phase II for our series project #Innocents !

The series project #Innocents by Fred Muzzi, Hisham Insaan, David Bourgie, Martin Brossollet, Raphaël Baudet & Yann Vivane is now in phase 2! Congratulations to the authors and thanks to the RTBF Series Fund and the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles ! The Fund for...

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“Still fighting” at Brussel Short Film Festival !

“Still fighting” at Brussel Short Film Festival !

"Still fighting"  Arthur Lecouturier's short film is selected at the Brussels Short Film Festival in national competition!   We can't wait to share it with you in theatres! The festival will take place from 28.08.21 to 05.09.21 in Brussel.   In co-production...

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« Icarus Balance » at Docville !

« Icarus Balance » at Docville !

Our documentary « Icarus Balance » directed by Patric Jean has been selected to the belgian competition at Docville International Documentary Film Festival. A co-production between Iota Production, TAG Film and RTBF, produced with the help of the FWB Film Center, the...

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Awards for “Tailor” !

Awards for “Tailor” !

Great success for "Tailor" which wins the “Second Award” and the “Best Director Award” for Sonia Liza Kenterman at the Bergamo Film Meeting in Italy! A co-production between Argonauts Productions (Greece) & Elemag Pictures (Germany). More details:...

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« The Inheritors » at Millenium Festival !

« The Inheritors » at Millenium Festival !

Our documentary "The Inheritors" directed by Charlotte Diament is selected at the Millenium Documentary Film Festival! A co-production between Iota Production, the RTBF, the FWB Film Center, the CBA and Scope Invest. The festival starts tomorrow Wednesday May 5th on...

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« Gluten, the public enemy » broadcast on La Une and ARTE!

« Gluten, the public enemy » broadcast on La Une and ARTE!

This Wednesday, April 7, La Une broadcast our documentary Gluten, the public enemy directed by Patrizia Marani! ARTE proposes a new screening of this film on Tuesday April 13 at 8:50 pm! Gluten, the public enemy can be seen again on the RTBF Auvio platform and is...

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More festivals for “Tailor” !

More festivals for “Tailor” !

Great news for Sonia Liza Kenterman's film "Tailor"! It has been selected for the Sofia International Film Festival in Bulgaria, the Kosmorama Film Festival in Norway and the Cleveland International Film Festival in the USA. Find the screenings : Sofia International...

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The DVD My Name is Clitoris soon available

The DVD My Name is Clitoris soon available

The DVD release of the documentary MY NAME IS CLITORIS by Daphné Leblond and Lisa Billuart Monet is approaching. To purchase a DVD it is possible on the 25e heure website but also on the FNAC website (Be/Fr) from March 2nd or by pre-order now. Also to be found in all...

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February 2021 program !

February 2021 program !

In this unusual year, the André Delvaux Academy and Iota Production are pleased to present to you an exceptional program set up to support Belgian cinema and its talents. Take this opportunity to (re) discover several of our productions!

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My Name is Clitoris in Tout le Baz’Art

My Name is Clitoris in Tout le Baz’Art

My Name is Clitoris will be broadcasted in Tout le Baz'Art on Arte Belgique this Sunday 31st January at 6pm. The documentary will be availble afterwards on Auvio in the context of Belgorama. It is the new theme page of the RTBF which puts a spotlight on Belgian...

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Overseas in Tout le baz’art on arte belgium

Overseas in Tout le baz’art on arte belgium

OVERSEAS by Sung-A Yoon will be broadcast exclusively this Sunday, January 17 at 6:26 pm in the program Tout le Baz'art on ARTE Belgium. The documentary will be followed by an interview with the director by Joëlle Scoriels. "In the Philippines, women get deployed...

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Into dad’s woods eligible at 1st round for césars

Into dad’s woods eligible at 1st round for césars

Into Dad's Woods, the feature film directed by Vero Cratzborn, is eligible after the first round for the César of the Best Foreign Film 2021! For more information, click here:

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My Name is Clitoris eligible at 1st round for the Césars

My Name is Clitoris eligible at 1st round for the Césars

The documentary MY NAME IS CLITORIS directed by Daphné Leblond and Lisa Billuart-Monet is eligible after the first round for the César of the Best Foreign Film 2021! The nominated films for this 46th edition of the Césars will be announced on Wednesday 10th February...

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Best wishes for 2021

Best wishes for 2021

Thank you for the support, the trust and the complicity despite the distance and also thanks to the tremendous creativity of our authors. We cannot wait to be in the new year full of screenings in cinemas, film shoots without masks and exciting projects to discuss...

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The Red Orchestra broadcasted on RTBF

The Red Orchestra broadcasted on RTBF

THE RED ORCHESTRA will be broadcasted on RTBF this Saturday 12th December at 21:05 in Elodie de Selys' show "Retour aux sources". Do not miss out on this TV premiere! Click here to see the trailer.  "The Red Orchestra" was the most important resistance group inside...

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INTO DAD’S WOODS selected in multiple film festivals

INTO DAD’S WOODS selected in multiple film festivals

INTO DAD'S WOODS by Vero Cratzborn was selected in the international competition at the Französische Filmtage Tübingen - Stuttgart. It was also presented at the Cork International Film Festival in Ireland and the  French Film Festival UK in Edinburgh. Here is what the...

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OVERSEAS as the opening movie of the Documentary Month

OVERSEAS as the opening movie of the Documentary Month

The opening of the 21st edition of Documentary Month will take place today at 5.30 pm in several cities in France and around the world, in Paris at the Centre Pompidou! 🎬 The film Overseas by Sung-A Yoon will be screened simultaneously in several locations. Present in...

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Free entrances for the film MY NAME IS CLITORIS

Free entrances for the film MY NAME IS CLITORIS

As part of the Wallonie-Brussels federation Day, the Kinograph is organizing a free entrance of the MY NAME IS CLITORIS film on Thursday September 24th at 7 p.m. (limited entrances, mandatory reservation here).

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The SABAM rewards the price of the MUSICAL DATE to POLINA

The SABAM rewards the price of the MUSICAL DATE to POLINA

For the 23th edition of the Short Film Festival, the Sabam organised the Musical Date .This year it’s POLINA from Artur Lecouturier who has received one of the two prices of the Musical Date. This award is an opportunity to win a bursary of 2000 euros which will cover...

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OVERSEAS receive a star from the Scam !

OVERSEAS receive a star from the Scam !

The Scam rewards OVERSEAS with a star, the movie will be presented at the Les Etoiles du documentaire festival at the Forum des Images in Paris the 7th and 8th of November ! Well done to Sung-A Yoon !      

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ASILE soon broadcasted on RTBF

ASILE soon broadcasted on RTBF

The documentary Asile will soon be broadcasted on RTBF ! Join us on Saturday 12th September at 11 pm to (re)discover the film by Victor Ridley and the journey of Sahil, a young Unaccompanied Foreign Minor struggling to find a place in Belgium. More information to come...

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Overseas selected at the BRIFF 2020 !

Overseas selected at the BRIFF 2020 !

It is with great pleasure that we discover the selection of our documentary Overseas in the national competition of the BRIFF 2020! As real showcase for Belgian film production, the national competition of the Brussels International Film Festival welcomes seven...

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