Previews of Into Dad’s Woods in Belgium

Before its release on July 15th in Belgian cinemas, it is possible to watch La Forêt de mon père in preview !
The screenings will even be presented by its director, Vero Cratzborn, who will also be there to discuss its themes (along with the association Etincelle in Mons).

To attend, you can book a ticket here :

Ugc Toison d’Or (Brussels) – 12 July at 8 pm (link for booking)
Cinéma Sauvenière – Les Grignoux (Liège) – July 13 at 8pm (link for booking)
Plaza Art (Mons) – July 14th at 8.30 pm (link for booking)
Cinéma L’Ecran (Ath) – July 21st at 8.30 pm (link for booking)

And for the French who are reading us, the film is on screens since July 8th.

Enjoy the movie !

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