REBELLIOUS GIRL Iis eligible to the MAGRITTE – Votes are open

The feature Film REBELLIOUS GIRL, by Jawad Rhalib, is eligible in the following categories :

o Best film : Jawad Rhalib & Isabelle Truc (Iota production)
o Best directing : Jawad Rhalib
o Best original script or adaptation : Jawad Rhalib
o Best actress in a supporting role: Raphaëlle Bruneau (rôle : Françoise)
o Best actress in a supporting role : Hande Kodja (rôle : Julie)
o Best actress in a supporting role : Nadège Ouedraogo (rôle : Fatou)
o Best supporting actor : Benjamin Ramon (rôle : Thibault)
o Best supporting actor : Benoît Van Dorslaer (rôle : André)
o Best photography : François Schmitt
o Best sound: Yves Bémelmans, Virginie Messiaen, Gérard Rousseau
o Best decoration : Amanda Petrella
o Best costumes : Caroline Gereduz
o Best editing : Jeanne Plassier

You can vote until the 1st of January 23h59

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