“THE WHALE” : the shooting has started !

🎬 The shooting of THE WHALE ( LA BALEINE) by Sylvère Petit has started in France, near Montpellier.

Autumn 1985.
A storm awakens the Mediterranean. A village is devastated, its crops ransacked. On the beach, the waves have deposited a whale. Dead, the whale is said to carry diseases. Corbac, a sickly, misanthropic winegrower, takes his tractor, grape-harvesting skip and three kitchen knives to save the cetacean’s skeleton from being blown up. Day and night, the largest of all creatures is paraded piece by piece past the church, the school and the distillery, awakening the unconscious and the violent villagers. They know Corbac, and he’ll go all the way. It’s going to end badly!

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